Quotes From "The Association" By James Rozoff

Intelligence resides between us as much as it resides in us. And it resides within the subconscious much more than it does the conscious. We’re just conscious-biased: our conscious mind wants us to think it’s the be all and end all. James Rozoff
Sooner or later you realize there are no answers, no answers except the ones you believe. Sooner or later faith is the only answer left. James Rozoff
You’ve got to stop thinking of consciousness as your own. You’re only thinking for yourself when you are by yourself. As soon as you are in the presence of others, your consciousness is linked at some level to those others. James Rozoff
It really was amazing, thought Mindy, the way modern electronics made it so easy to ignore those people who were physically so close. James Rozoff
Sometimes you just have to hold on even when you don’t believe in what you’re holding on to anymore. Sometimes you have to hold on to empty and distant memories, even if it feels like there isn’t any ‘you’ left. I think that’s what faith is all about, doing what you need to do even when the feeling isn’t there anymore. James Rozoff